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Colour Correction, Hair Colour Removal, and Colour Balancing at Leo Mancini Salon in Windsor

Hair colour emergencies are unfortunately common. You’ve heard the horror stories and maybe lived through one or two. Colour corrects aren’t just emergencies either. Hair colour problem? We’re here to help.

Back to Beautiful: Hair dye removal, drastic colour changes, correcting large root regrowth, removing brassy undertones on blonde or grey hair.

If you have experienced a hair colour disaster, either at your own hand or at the hands of a stylist lacking in experience, the hair colour experts at Leo Mancini Salon can help get your hair back to gorgeous.  Depending on the extent and the layers of old hair colour, hair colour correction can be a complex process but at Leo Mancini Salon, you’re in safe hands!  We have the skills and lots of experience  when it comes to correcting root regrowth, over-processed ends, faded once-vivid colour, lifting box hair dye,  and removing telltale bands of colour.


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At Leo Mancini Salon in Windsor, we specialise in Hair Colour Correction

Perhaps you are you wondering how to remove hair colour or hair dye? Perhaps you tried a semi permanent or permanent color kit at home and the color looks nothing like the one pictured on the box.  While a hair color disaster can be emotional and upsetting, it is best to seek advice from an expert hair colourist rather than attempting to fix it yourself. Trust the hair colour correction experts at Leo Mancini Salon, our artists know all about hair colour and correcting a colour catastrophe. 

We know hair colour!  Applying a new colour to hair that has several inches of root regrowth requires strong technical skills in order to deliver the beautiful, naturally looking results.

Do you need hair colour correction?

Just because you have some roots showing or you want to adjust your hair colour, it doens’t mean you’ll need extensive hair color correction. Here are some of the situations that usually require a multi-step hair colour approach to solve your hair colour problem.

  • At home box dye turned out too dark for your complexion…it looked much lighter on the box!
  • Blonde hair appears orange or brassy from over exposure to the sun
  • Hair showing several inches of root regrowth
  • Highlights look too streaky and unnatural
  • Visible bands of color appear where pigment has overlapped from previous color application
  • Bold hair color has faded and looks washed out
  • Blonde hair has green tint from a chlorinated swimming pool
  • Blonde hair has orange tint from tanning products or sunscreen

Have patience! Our hair colour experts can address all kinds of hair colour issues but the solution may take more than one appointment to complete. We will make sure you understand the necessary steps to bring your hair back to beautiful and that we get you where you want to be safely.

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Colour Corrections are Common

Hair colour emergencies are unfortunately common. One familiar story is a daughter wanting blonde hair, dad buying box colour off the shelf, and an awful ending that includes green hair and a dad in a panic. Another common one is chlorine damage. Brass blondes, black brunettes, and over-processing often need a fix too. However, some colour corrections are easier than others.

Your Window for Hair Repair is Brief

Colour takes two to four days to set in your cuticle. If you encounter an emergency, talk to a stylist immediately. Move quick, and the possibility of a full recovery/reversal is likely.

Hair Color Correction Pricing

Although most people will pay whatever it takes to correct their hair colour, we make it affordable to ensure that it’s cost-effective for our clients. We realize the urgency that comes about when your hair colour is noticeably off. For this reason, our colour correction packages start from £200 and up – the exact cost for colour correction is estimated without at consultation. Again, to save time, do not wait and talk to a stylist immediately.

Best Balayage in Windsor, Slough, Ascot and neighbouring areas

Windsor's most trusted salon for hair colour

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